So I received an email today from the Cochran Mortuary. Here is the email:

Mr. Silva:

I have found an Alfred Soares. My records don’t show any family surviving. Only a conservator and a friend that stepped forward to take care of him in death. Based on some of the information you have supplied me, I believe this is the same Alfred Soares. Below is the limited information I found.

Alfred J. Soares
Address at death: 2051 S. Kansas, Wichita, KS 67211
Date and Place of Birth: December 8, 1918 in Oahu, Hawaii
Date and Place of Death: April 28, 1986 at home
Place of Burial: Lakeview Cemetery in Wichita, Garden of Gethsemane II, Lot 8, Grave 11
Parents Names: Father: Manuel Monez, Mother: Julia Soares

I don’t know how accurate the names and information is, again, Mr. Soares did not have any family that stepped forward to take care of him in death. Our information came from a conservator and a friend.

I hope this information helps. I am sorry I don’t have any further information for you.

The Cochran Family
by: Todd A. Phifer

Source Citation: Todd A. Phifer <>, “Re: Genealogy Research” e-mail to author, sent 22 April 2008.

Very interesting! So he thinks this is a match. The information is not from the most reliable sources, but he thinks it is a match.

So to recap why there is a good chance that this is a match: He was born in Hawaii with an exact match on the birth date. His social security number is from California. Now the names may be his birth parents and not his adopted parents. I think the next step is to send away for his social security application. I’m very excited about this. This might help me solve my brickwall.